Meet at the International Import Expo, Share the Future丨Zenith made a stunning appearance.


The 6th China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Expo") concluded successfully from November 5th to November 10th. The theme of the exhibition is "New Era, Sharing the Future", more than 3,400 enterprises from 128 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, the world's top 500, industry leading enterprises and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are the largest number ever. This is also the first fair that resumed offline exhibition after the COVID-19 epidemic, and is regarded by many foreign enterprises as a communication window for in-depth observation of the Chinese market and a negotiation platform for discussing cooperation opportunities.

block machine

On November 10th, the 6th China International Import Expo officially came to an end, and this is the fifth time that Germany Zenith block machine was invited to participate as the only representative of the block machine industry. The effect of the exhibition was good, and to a large extent, it realized the publicity of the brand of Zenith in the international market.

concrete brick making machine

With a glorious history of 70 years, Zenith block machine originated from Germany and is committed to becoming the world's leading operator of integrated solutions for block making, with products covering a full range of cement block machineries, as well as providing the industry with management consulting services, technological upgrading, talent cultivation and production hosting, and other related services.

Zenith block machine

Booth site, many representatives of exhibitors and exhibition customers stopped in front of our booth on our green intelligent block machinery for consultation, there are also interested in our solid waste as raw material for the production of cement block products, with our representatives on our block machine and solid waste treatment technology to carry out in-depth communication and discussion, to get the domestic and foreign and other areas of the intention of the customer orders thrown ......

block machine

The exhibition also demonstrated intelligent manufacturing technologies such as QGM VR cloud service, and many customers were interested in the improvement of production efficiency and economic benefits brought about by the intelligence of the equipment, and recognized and appreciated the forward-looking concept of actively laying out the field of digitization as the level of digitization in the industry continues to develop.

concrete brick making machine

Openness bears fruit, hand in hand to start a new journey. Each session of the Expo we have participated in has witnessed China's relentless pursuit of "openness never stops" in the new era. At the same time, it also makes us feel the spillover effect of the Expo, which not only lets customers at home and abroad know more about the cutting-edge technology and innovative products of Quangong Germany Zenith, but also enables enterprises to grasp the market trend and customers' practical needs, and share the new opportunities of world development.

Zenith block machine

Next, Zenith block machine will follow the trend of the times, seize the opportunity of opening up, actively innovate and research and develop, continuously form its own technical advantages, improve the layout of high-end intelligent equipment, and strive to become a leader in the international block machine industry.

block machine

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